This Page is for explanation of Application "MWcalcGel" (Apple App Store).
This Page is for Guide and Explanation of Application "MWcalcGel" (Apple App Store).
This App is designed for Researchers and University Students in the field of Molecular Biology, especially handling DNA recombinant operation.
Usually analysis on DNA (double-stranded DNA) is done with pattern recognition after restriction enzyme cleavage and following electrophoresis development on Gel.
This App will help you to estimate the length (M.W.) of DNA on the Gel using the length information of the Size marker DNA fragments.
How to use App:
1.Treat DNA with restriction enzyme as usual, and develop it on the Gel with certain size marker.
(Don't apply uncleared DNA onto the Gel)
2.Take photo of the Gel, and Transfer it onto your iPhone.
3.Open this App (open Photo library on the App and choose the Photo)
4.Choose two bands of the Size marker on the Gel.
5.Set the Size of the chosen bands.
6.Tap "Arrow" buttons to move on the band of the size marker.
7.Tap "Arrow" buttons to move on the band of theTarget Sample.
8.The "Length" of the target is shown below.
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